Thursday, September 18, 2014

Independence (Draft)

One thing that I have noticed throughout my sixteen years is that there is too much pressure to join a certain political party. Recently I have decided that being able to speak your mind without having to stay inside the box of your particular party is the best way to go. Not only is it the best choice for you, it is no doubt also the best for the United States.

Recently, President Obama spoke on the matter of re- engaging enemies in the Middle East. This was the main event that got me thinking on how ridiculous the opposite parties can sound. Opposite parties, mainly the Democrats, and Republicans, childishly fight back and forth. They do this even when their argument has no point. For example, after watching the Presidential address the roast began! Since I was watching the address on Fox News, the news anchors along with other Republicans couldn't make up their minds on whether Obama did the right thing or not. They almost sounded unsure, when one of the news anchors said “Took him long enough”. Her voice sounded just like someones who’s trying to fit in. As a citizen of a “free” country, why do you have to fit in a box. Everyone should be able to speak on how they as an individual feel on a subject. People of the United States, do you really think you need to be categorized by something that holds you so strictly, that you are scared to say something logical whether it fits your party, or not? I urge everyone to become a free speaking independent who tries to figure out what’s best for America, not what’s best for talk show ratings.

Living in Oak Park I have seen, and heard the extreme thoughts of Republicans, as well as Democrats. Both parties have good points, but the other party will never agree. If you are more open minded and don’t get caught up in the political bullshit you can truly see what the best path for America is. So, why aren't more people becoming more open minded and independent?After hearing that, why wouldn't you want to become more open minded, and hopefully an independent? Something that is serious are that people are dieing in the Middle East, along ways away from their homes. While the extremists of both parties bicker people die. Think about it again people are dieing over peer pressure and TV ratings. That’s sick in my opinion. Everyone should step back and analyse both parties arguments.  Only then should they come up with a better solution than both, or choose the one that they you think will best help move the U.S forward, without having to stick with that party.

The only thing that can stop this “stay in the box” attitude is you America! I urge all people that next time you are caught watching some type of political talk show, take a step back and analyse. You should figure out the problem America is having, then choose your own opinion on what will help America. This means you can choose a certain parties idea, but be careful, don’t be blinded by how it may be portrayed as a godly idea. I personally agree fully with becoming an Independent, because you shouldn't have to be pressured by a party, and politics shouldn't be about the viewership, but about what will keep America from going down the drain?. Please America, think of the benefits, and next time take a step back when making an un-pressured proposition. Lets find a happy medium if anything, anything it takes for America, and the freedom of our people.

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