Thursday, September 11, 2014

I Want OUT

The United States of America has been involved in multiple wars throughout history that have lasted many year. With each new war comes the same ideal; peace. However it seems no matter how hard we try to achieve peace from war, it has never worked in our favor.

The photograph below takes a spin on the classic propaganda drawing from World War One of Uncle Sam saying "I Want You." The popular drawing is advertisement attempting to recruit people to join the Army, Navy, or Marines. The idea behind this ad was to single people out in order for them to feel special. If citizens feel as if Uncle Sam was pointing at them, and only them, they would feel more responsibility to join.

The words in the drawing below read “I Want Out” accompanied by Uncle Sam extremely beaten up with a look of desperation and hurt in his eyes. The goal of this ad is the complete opposite of the “I Want You” ad. It was created during the Vietnam War, one of the deadliest wars in American history. The artist wanted to show that the war had created more evil that good. The central message that the artist was trying to convey was that the war needed to end. They wanted Americans to comprehend how violent things had gotten.

To summarize, the propaganda for war has changed dramatically from the time of the first World War to the Vietnam war. An increasing amount of people have grown against war, and created many advertisements against it. War has created anything but peace, and soon needs to end.


1 comment:

  1. I agree, war sucks. It's a shame that things can't be peacefully worked out because people don't know how to be level-headed. War roots from the craving of power and resources. Why can't we all just share and give what is needed? I don't know. Why do we claim things that naturally belong to the earth as our property? I don't know.
