Thursday, September 11, 2014

Found Poem- War is Never Moral

war is never moral 
war kills and does so with no remorse 
however it grants us the ability to see our lives as precious 
In the way that you don’t appreciate the glow of sun until the winter comes 
because war is in everything  
war is fought in your home  
war fallows us, as its roots can be found in our own human inadequacies 
our want for self actualization is unfulfillable
how could war possibly have a moral as a fairy tale does
how could ending anothers life lead to any true triumph
nothing was won
it was cheated
war is a lake without water
it is unbelievable in any form but experience
explaining war is like explaining yourself
it is embarrassing and revealing
it uncovers our desires and fears and our biases towards justice
war ends like a memory
it doesn’t
the bloodshed will live on forever
like a river of grief it flows
but perhaps this river ends in a rainbow
a rainbow of what was won which triumphs over what was lost
but isn’t a rainbow made of the same thing as a river?
water is water
war is war
war is for the hero 
but what if the hero is the coward

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