Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Everyone is Weak and Everyone is Innocent.

Through out, society woman are always seen as weak and innocent. An men are seen as strong and mature. During the story, Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong, Rats displays a opposite side of woman and men that is very rarely shown in the society.

Mary Anne shows a women who is strong. She's looks for action. Education is one of her priorities. Also, this story shows her lost of innocents. How she, like the other men, saw the beauty in war and she completely changed because of it.

The boys realize things about them selfs because of Mary Anne. First off, that they weren't seeking action, they didn't want to go and fight. This showed weakness according to the "real solider" betrayed in the movies.  Also, this makes them realize they were like her before and after their own lose of innocence.

This story shades a light on how man and woman are very similar in many ways.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your analysis of the story. I think you are totally right that Rat breaks down gender norms and makes the story interesting. In that story he also makes a good point that people don't believe the story is true because it is about a woman going into war and adapting like the men.
