Thursday, September 11, 2014

Destiny Make your Legend

If you have not heard of the game destiny you will just think that this post is about destiny in the terms of what you were born to do, but no this is about a video game. Destiny came out this Tuesday with a lot of hype surrounding it and there is no reason it shouldn't have had hype. If you got to play the beta back in July you know why. Even if you didn't get your hands on a beta key but saw some game footage on YouTube you where most likely super excited for the game. Of course you also have to be a fan of mmorpgs (massive multiplayer online role playing game), and shooters. Oh wait Destiny is a mmorpg, you just thought it was a single player game with some online. Nope, totally wrong. This game is an all online experience. This does not mean you have to play with others, but you can see them in the same level as you and if they are nice might help you out. After wards if you enjoyed their company they can join your fire team and clan.

Now that we have learned some of the basics of the game we can get into some more fun stuff. Such as the loot base weapon system. There are 5 different levels of loot to my knowledge at the moment. Starting with common and going through the simple levels of uncommon, rare and legendary, but their is one class above legendary which is exotic. Now this is just a guess, but I believe the only way to get exotic gear is to play through a raid.

Raids are another cool feature in Destiny, since you have a until the next Tuesday to complete them no matter when you started them. This is different from the normal mmorpg system where you must complete it in one run through. Why do they give you a week you may ask, well for starters Bungie the makers of the game gave 5 people, the number of people needed to start and complete a raid, a chance to try out the earliest unlockable raid a little early. After 16 hours of playing they had not come close to finishing. There could be a plethora of reason for this, such as bad teamwork, lack of high ranking pieces of weapon and armor, or the less likely never playing the game, but what Bungie said it came down to was how hard the raids actually are. They want to push you to your limits get you to rage like never before.

There are some many more things waiting to be found out about Destiny, but since it has only been out for 2 days, neither my friends nor I have been able to explore the vast world. Maybe in a month or two after I have tried to complete my first raid I will give you a clearer understanding of the game, but till then carve out your own legend in Destiny.

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