Friday, September 12, 2014


War is Hell
I can't believe it in my stomach
It comes down to gut instinct
Make the stomach believe.

But war is also beauty
Gape at the majesty
Bright red ribbons unwinding
Through the dark
An impassive moon rises
You admire the fluid symmetries
Harmonies of metal-fire
Admire the glow of napalm
Feel the rocket's red glare.

You hate it, but
Your eyes do not
Hell has an objective
Aesthetic purity from absolute moral indifference.
In it is the pure, implacable beauty.

Hell is beauty
Tainted by the blood of the departed
Ugliness seeps in with the
The other people that surround you.

Kill them or die
Partake in the beauty
Add to the evil
Feel your sacrifice in your stomach
Make yourself believe in the beautiful

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