Thursday, September 11, 2014

A Found Poem About War

War is a blurry line
the vapors suck you in
you can't tell where you are
there is no clarity, everything swirls
right spills over into wrong
order blends into chaos
love into hate
ugliness into beauty
law into anarchy
civility into savagery
the only certainty is overwhelming ambiguity

It's difficult to separate what happened from what seemed to happen
absolute occurrence is irrelevant
the angles of vision are skewed

In war you lose your sense of the definite
your sense of truth itself
the old rules are no longer binding
the old truths no longer true
the truth is ugly

The truths are contradictory
in the midst of evil you want to be a good man
war is nasty
war is fun
war is thrilling
war is drudgery
war makes you man
war makes you dead
you're never more alive than when you're almost dead
that proximity to death brings with it a corresponding proximity to life
the aliveness makes you tremble

Almost everything is true
almost nothing is true.


  1. I really like your opening line!!! I think it captures what Tim O'Brien thinks war is. I also like the last part, ending on a paradox. It makes you think!

  2. I really like your first line about war being a blurry line, it makes you really think. Also, how you ended with what war is and isn't. You used good parts of Tim O'Brien's book and put them together in a good structure!
