Thursday, September 11, 2014

9/10 Obama Speech Response

Last night, Barack Obama stood before the nation and addressed the public about the threats and danger from the ISIS/ISIL terrorist group in Syria. It was definitely necessary to hear the president's voice about something like this. His speech was well delivered and persuasive. 

Barack showed professionalism and intelligence as he stood before the podium. He was speaking with a purpose and he definitely knew the point he was trying to make. Obama's tone, diction, and mood were all reasons to be optimistic and feel a sense of hope as an American. Despite all that's happened, his thoughts and strategies towards this and many other issues showed that it can get better.

Aside from his powerful words, his evidence that he has plans of taking action are very important in defending the peace and justice of America. When Obama said anyone who threatens our country will find no safe haven, that was striking. For example, he said that carrying out the defeat against ISIL won't involve American troops like the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan but rather Air Power. He's showing that he has a versatile mind in making big decisions. Barack is making a different and good choice by not sending troops and declaring war. In addition, he is showing no fear of acting against Syria. Actions speak louder than words and he knows this. "Now that those teams have completed their work- and Iraq has formed a government- we will send an additional 475 service members to Iraq," said the President. Also, he has been working with Congress to show the danger of the world that America is united. He has allies along with the people he sent flying planes over and sending arms and assistance to the Iraqi Security Forces and the Syrian opposition. These along with many other examples of his actions are showing his efforts in solving Syria's crisis and ending the violence against the humanity of this nation.

When times are tough, Obama finds a way to stay positive. He knows this is the best country in the world and it has the potential to be free of violence and opposing threats. He will sacrifice anything and will take action if it means better for America.

The bottom line is, with a topic like this, it's not easy being the Commander and Chief of the United States of America. There are mixed emotions and opinions on Obama, especially in this speech. But try stepping into his shoes when you have your nation and people on the line. Threats from terrorists across the world won't just stop without someone taking some kind of initiative. This is his job and he's doing what's best for America and the people. Whether he has smart or bad strategies or is oversimplifying or not, Barack Obama is thriving for the USA and we must stand with him in support.

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