Friday, February 6, 2015

Blackie Sack Episode 19

Leon Sugarfoot, an African American pro Hacky Sacker, is not a successful rapper. Upon realizing his failure as a rapper, he decides that he should start a rock band. Blackie Sack Commonly uses and exaggerates stereotypes of African Americans to show their audience how ridiculous the stereotypes are.

The video uses hyperbole to portray Leon as a very awful rock artist, most likely hinting that black people don't "belong" in rock music. This impression is given when Leon is at the bar, or "Club" as he refers to it, and his black friends complain and have disapproving reactions to his performance, while the white people in the bar are going crazy for his music.

This video attempts to make viewers conscious of the stereotype that music produced by blacks in the present is all rap, and that rock music is a "white" genre. The audience hopefully will see through the comedy aspect of the video and realize that music genres have no race.

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