Thursday, February 5, 2015

John Stewart "Blizzapocalypsegeddon"

John Stewart uses comedic satire to reveal the ridiculous hype coming from the media. News reporters over the years have added more and more drama when reporting news. Reporters will over embellish the news in order to grab attention and gain viewers. Stewart focuses on the weather reports on the blizzard that was suppose to break snowfall records for the city of New York. In days leading up to the blizzard, news channels, especially weather channels, gave reports of the weather that were simply untrue and exaggerated. While New York was shutting down schools and expecting massive snowfall, they only got a light snow which was far from what the public was told. There were reporters driving around in a so called "blizzardmobile" while the snowfall was simply at a moderate amount. John stewart makes fun of these weather reporters by making jokes such as, "Really? Battering? Your windshield wipers are set to intermittent!" There were also clips of news reporters attempting to make the few inches seem like a lot more. One lady is shown in front of a road talking about the huge storm when there is only a dusting on the ground. There is also a man who makes an analogy of the weight of the snow on a roof to several cars being on top of it. Stewart makes fun of these weather reports and states that they're starting to look like a directed action movie.

These clips show how the news really has no reason to report the moderate weather and that the media is trying to show whatever will get viewers to tune in. In cases like this, the media does not care whether the information is completely true or not, but rather the attention their programs get. Overall, John Stewart does a great job making fun of the reporters by using satire in his arguments

1 comment:

  1. Jon Stewart is THE MAN. Seriously, he has a better grip on satire than anyone else on TV, and his ability to use it to prove serious points is fantastic.
